top of page becomes national registration platform for student rooms


On September 24 2024, the national platform ROOM was launched for young people aged 16 and over who want to build up registration time for student rooms. The platform does not offer rooms itself, but refers to affiliated housing providers with more than 50,000 rooms. An existing platform, which offers rooms from DUWO, Idealis and others, is being renamed Roommatch. SSH is also joining, while Lieven de Key in Amsterdam uses its own platform. Registration with ROOM costs €35, is valid for eight years and can be extended. Affiliated parties include DUWO, Idealis, Lefier and SSH (NUL20, 2024). ​


The housing corporations that offer many homes to students in Amsterdam are DUWO, Lieven de Key, Stadgenoot and Alliantie. Of these corporations, only DUWO is affiliated with ROOM, which is one of the largest in Amsterdam. So for students looking for a home in this city, the new platform will be a handy tool.   




September 25, 2024





NUL20. (2024, September 9). wordt landelijk inschrijfplatform voor studentenkamers. Accessed on September 25, 2024, from 


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