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Buro Stad & Beeld

Jaap Draaisma


My name is Jaap Draaisma, I'm a social geographer.

Amsterdam is the city I live in for almost all of my life.

Besides this research on the development of Amsterdam, I'm engaged in the development of cultural spaces and the alternative culture of Amsterdam.


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Lecturer for Coordination of Metropolitan Issues

Department - Center Of Expertice: Urban Governance & Social Innovation

Faculty: Society and Law


As of September 1, 2021, the 'Amsterdam Sorting Machine' research has found shelter at the Urban Government and Social Innovation research group .






Amsterdam Alternative

There is close cooperation with the bimonthly magazine 'Amsterdam Alternative' (website), both with regard to critical reflections and with regard to contacts with young new Amsterdammers who are active within this magazine. The documentary “Amsterdam from emancipation machine to sorting machine” was realized with employees of Amsterdam Alternative.







Municipality of Amsterdam

Department of Research, Information and Statistics (OIS)

Jeroen Slot, head of this department, immediately welcomed the investigation enthusiastically and promised all support.

Hester Booi, who specializes in migration, provides us with the most up-to-date information and figures. As a result, for example, we always kept a good eye on the effects of corona on the influx and outflow of residents.





Patrice Riemens

Retired Social Geographer, Internet activist. Was involved in, among others, De Digitale Stad and De Waag. Internationally active in i.a. INURA (International Urban Research and Action).


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